our mission
We spread prosperity in metro Hartford by enabling immigrants and refugees to achieve the American Dream of entrepreneurial success.
Here to Help
Find out which services International Hartford can provide to help you with your business, implementation, and more…
Know the facts
In Connecticut, there is no doubt that immigrant entrepreneurs and innovators play an important role. Immigrant entrepreneurs bring in additional revenue, create jobs, and contribute significantly to the state’s economy.
What we have to offer
We also make referrals to other organizations which assist immigrants and refugees to overcome non-business challenges
Access to Capital
Commercial banks don’t lend to start-ups, but non-profit lenders do. We direct you to friendly lenders as well as help you succeed with your loan application.
Help writing business plans
A business plan has you think through everything you need for your startup or expansion to prosper. They’re also required for most forms of financing. International Hartford works with you to write yours.
Financial counseling
Getting the green light for a loan requires good financial record-keeping, a decent credit score, and being up to date on taxes. International Hartford helps clear up blemishes
Help with market research
How do you know consumers will buy what you plan to sell? Market research gives you answers, and how to handle your competition. International Hartford guides this analysis.
Legal organization
Any business venture means risk, but you don’t want a wrong move to get you in hot water. Legal protections can safeguard personal assets.
registration in business classes
Learn how to manage your business, apply financial accounting methods, and market it to consumers. We enroll you in the right short classes, usually free, to learn these skills.
learn more
Watch this quick video and learn how we can help you achieve your entrepreneurial dreams
jump start your future
Welcome to International Hartford, a non profit organization dedicated to the creation of jobs in Hartford for immigrants and refugees by helping them become entrepreneurs and build their own business. Through business classes and financial consulting, as well as loan preparation and step by step assistance, our organization is focused on supporting the entrepreneurial initiative of Hartford immigrants. Starting a business in Connecticut will be easier and more feasible with our help!

Connecticut welcomes immigrants and our organization helps them create jobs in Hartford. Regardless of where you come from, if you need help starting a business in Connecticut or finding your way, we are here to assist you in a number of projects. Browse the website to find out what we can do for you!